The facilitation model of learning where the student is the co-creator, will be followed throughout the program. You as a student of this institute will understand, examine and debate through participation, case studies, role plays and simulations. Live projects are an integrated part of every course in all programs of the institute.
You as student, will no longer be bounded and driven by one final exam. The assessments will be continuous throughout each course and have various components including assignments, projects and group activities.
Faculty at IIMCM are professionals who are not only domain experts but also have hands on industry experience in their respective competency area. You will be provided inputs that are directly in sync with industry norms, thereby enabling you to be at par with corporate knowledge.
IIMCM's faculty pool consists of an esteemed group of scholars and practitioners, who provide a rich source of international experience in professional management problems and practices. Faculty members combine real-world and academic knowledge of management problems to augment their theoretical training. All faculty hold a minimum Masters degree, with the pool being a mix of Doctorates and corporate professionals.
Expat faculty are an invaluable resource with IIMCM making the institute truly global campus.
Seminars and workshops will be a regular feature at the campus providing a forum for presenting research work and discussing important issues of global interest. These events bring together academics, corporates and policy-makers and provide you an opportunity to network and learn. You will have a platform to hear guest speakers from industry and distinguished academia that will be invited for value enhancement.
Each student in PG-IMCM and PGP-EM is allocated a corporate mentor who guides the student an any queries that student may have relating the industry.
The enables the student to avail the advantage of learning from a senior level Corporate Professional, who mentors the student throughout the program.